How healthy are you?

How healthy are you?

Healthy living isn’t just about eating the right food in the right quantities or about getting the right amount of physical activity.

For genuine, all-round health, you need to think about both your diet and your activity levels.

In this area you’ll find interactive tools, namely our bmi (body mass index) calculator and our calorie expenditure calculator. These allow you to assess how healthy you really are.

Calorie expenditure calculator

For a rough guide to how many calories you will burn if you participate in 30 minutes of physical activity at a moderate intensity (remember daily recommendation!) use  calorie expenditure calculator.

BMI calculator

Use  bmi calculator (body mass index calculator) to check out your weight for height and see how it compares with recommendations for health.

Food and health quizzes

In order to help you think about how healthy you really are, why not check out our quizzes in the physical activity and healthy eating sections entitled: how active are you? and how healthy is your diet?

About the author administrator

The Internet means that we all have more information than ever available to help us understand about our health and to support health-related decisions we make. Links to other Internet resources have been included where possible, including those which will be used by your own doctor to guide their practice.