Category Archive Cosmetic Surgery

Facelift cost in the UK

Facelift is one of the most common and popular surgeries. The demand for this procedure is extremely high for its effect. Your face is the first thing people notice and it is also the way to communicate, based on facial expressions.

Our tip: Prices in the UK are much higher, almost 70% higher than abroad. In the total price of the facelift, £1,830 are no additional charges. The package includes not only the surgery itself and general medical treatment but also consultation, aftercare, PSI imaging and 24/7 support.

People start considering the facial surgery when they first see the first wrinkles and want to slow down the ageing process. The first signs of ageing start to appear around 40 years of age and when the cosmetic products are not enough to keep your skin young and fresh its time to consider facial enhancements. There is a variety of facial rejuvenation, from the less to more invasive, from temporal to permanent. If you are thinking of permanent improvement the facelift is the best choice.

Compering the prices of facelift  in UK and ABROAD

It is important to consider different factors when considering facelift surgery. You want to make sure that the result will be the best as possible and you are in the safest hands and also not to put yourself in the dept situation. The prices can vary and that is one of the reasons people choose the clinic abroad. Many clinics offers attractive affordable prices for various surgeries with the facelift on top of it. The prices are much lower, however, the board-certified surgeons are extremely skilled and professional and they have to follow high standards as members of the Medical Chamber. They do perform surgeries on the daily bases and their skills and techniques are always upgrading.

The prices ofter don’t even include consultation, preoperation test and aftercare. The appointments and check-ups usually take long to be booked and medications at a high price as well unlike at our clinic. The prices can be even more attractive when combining the surgeries into one stay. We do take into consideration what surgeries can be combined and how long can a client be under general anaesthetic, based on the strict regulation.

Prices across the EuropePRICES ACROSS THE EUROPE

The prices of the procedures across Europe might look quite similar, however, it is always important to make sure there are no hidden charges and what you will actually get for its cost. Before committing yourself and booking the chosen clinic you should have all the information what the total price includes. You don’t want to be surprised when comes to the payment.

What You Need To Know Before Going Under The Knife

For some people, cosmetic surgery is considered a modern medical miracle. A person can get whatever look they desire, simply by paying a surgeon some money. This seems amazing, doesn’t it? Check out the following helpful suggestions if you’re one of the many people considering cosmetic surgery.

Look up the surgeon you’re thinking about to see if he does revisions. If your results aren’t 100% positive, you might have to spend a lot of money having corrective surgery. With many good doctors, you’ll have a “grace period” of up to a year in which they’ll take care of any necessary corrective work for free.

TIP! You should discuss post-surgery antibiotics with your doctor. To minimize the chance of complications from infections, many doctors do have patients begin an antibiotic regimen prior to surgery.

While you don’t want to compromise final results by economizing your plastic surgery, there are legitimate ways to reduce the costs involved. There are a number of foreign countries in which reputable doctors will perform surgeries for much less than doctors in the United States would. This won’t be an option for everybody, but it’s something worth looking into.

You should be aware of the risks any time you will be receiving anesthesia. For example, abnormal heart rhythms can develop during surgery. General anesthesia can cause your heart to beat irregularly. This is due to a lower level of blood pressure from the anesthesia. This causes arrhythmia, or irregular heart beat.


TIP! It is important to find out more about the recovery following an operation; some patients may have to spend an entire month resting. Having a true picture regarding the procedure and recovery times makes it possible to adjust schedules accordingly.

Potential Dangers

  • Discuss potential dangers with your doctor and learn about the ways he or she minimizes the risk of complications. Conduct your own research to make sure what your doctor tells you is true, and be sure to make your decision in light of all potential dangers.
  • Look into different financing options. Most doctors understand that some people are unable to pay ahead of time, and might offer a payment plan. There are many different options out there, you just need to look for them.
  • Take a trip to where your surgery will be held. If you’re going to have outpatient surgery inside the clinic where you’ll see your doctor, you need to ask if you could see the surgery area prior to your surgery. You are apt to be more comfortable when you have familiarized yourself with the clinic or hospital your surgery will be performed at.

TIP! If you are considering having cosmetic surgery, you should look at any alternatives before going under the knife. Sometimes there are other, easier things that can be done first. Discuss costs with your doctor and have him or her go over them in detail. Also, investigate whether or not a payment plan is an option if you do not have the full amount available. You and your physician need to make a final payment arrangement for your procedure.

People will often lose a lot of blood during surgery. Bleeding is common, but excessive bleeding is not and can create complications. This bleeding can take place either during or after the surgery. If too much bleeding happens, it will gather beneath the skin; in this case, more surgery will be needed to fix the problem. It is critical that you talk to your doctor about what is expected as far as bruising and loss of blood after surgery.

The Ins And Outs Of Changing Your Body

Plastic surgery isn’t necessarily a luxury, nor is it only for those who are vain. People who have permanent scarring from accidents or injuries should consider it if they want to get their confidence back.

Always ask your surgeon about his credentials. Talk to your surgeon about where they went to college, when they graduated, and the number of the specific procedures they have done. Before-and-after pictures of patients who have undergone the same procedure (under the care of the same doctor) should also be available to you.

TIP! When discussing your upcoming procedure with your cosmetic surgeon, be sure to make inquiries about his or her credentials. Find out where the surgeon attended medical school and how many procedures have been performed by him.

Look into whether or not your doctor has made statements regarding revisions.

People make mistakes, and if it happens to you, you could be faced with huge medical bills. Ask your surgeon if he provides corrective surgeries that are free of cost.

The use of anesthesia always comes with some level of risk. Abnormal heart rhythms may result during surgery when anesthesia is administered.

In particular, general anesthesia can lead to an irregular heartbeat. You may not get sufficient blood flow through your body while under the influence of anesthesia, causing this problem. Because of this, irregular heart beat, or arrhythmia occurs.

Discuss potential dangers with your doctor and learn about the ways he or she minimizes the risk of complications. Conduct your own research to verify all statements made by the surgeon and reevaluate your plans for surgery, once you are fully aware of all the risks involved.

TIP! Check out your surgeon’s malpractice insurance coverage. If there happens to be a mistake with your procedure, your surgeon needs to have the insurance to cover the fees to repair the damage they have caused.

Look into an alternative options for financing. Doctors understand that finances may be an issue for some, and many offer flexible payment options. There are many different options out there, you just need to look for them.

Educate yourself as much as possible about the procedure you are interested in. By the time the surgeon sits down with you to talk things over, you should already know a lot about your procedure. With the proper information, you will know the right questions to ask and be educated to any inconsistencies between what you know and what the surgeon tells you.

Best candidates for Plastic Surgery

TIP! Prior to surgery, research whether your surgeon has a revision policy. If your results aren’t what you anticipated, you could end up spending a lot of money to have corrective procedures.

There are many reasons people get plastic surgery; feeling better about themselves is one of those reasons.

Plastic surgery can be helpful to people who have scars from burns or other injuries. When a person has suffered a severe burn, he or she no longer feels whole; therefore, plastic surgery is normally called for to improve the person’s self esteem.

Ask to see before and after pictures of patients. A good surgeon will be able to show you a variety of photos showcasing his best work and, if he is trustworthy, may even show you photos of patients whose procedures did not go as perfectly as planned and needed follow-up work.

If you are unimpressed with the cosmetic surgeon’s work as illustrated in the photos, find another doctor.

Before undergoing plastic surgery, make sure that you know the requisite aftercare. You should know whether or not you will need to arrange for outside assistance during your recovery time.

TIP! Any surgical procedure involving anesthesia has inherent risks that need to be taken into consideration. For example, abnormal heart rhythms can develop during surgery.
Allow sufficient time for a complete recovery following your cosmetic procedure. It could take as long as four weeks for you to heal, depending, of course, on the type of operation you had done. If you have a job, it important to take off enough time. Also, don’t try to push yourself too fast.

Not all plastic surgeons are looking out for your best interests. Some may try to push you into procedures that you don’t need, and it could cost you unnecessary money. There are also inherent risks associated with cosmetic surgery, so be sure you discuss these dangers ahead of time. Let the advice you’ve just received guide you to making smart cosmetic surgery choices.